YouTube Channels I Like!

No Linux Channels? :c

Yeah, I don't watch much Linux content. Part of it is because I already make my own Linux videos, and part of it is because of problems I have with the way Linux is covered on YouTube (though it's purely subjective and I've been guilty of these things myself).

No disrespect to these creators as people, I'm just not interested in watching their content. Sometimes I watch tech channels, but not necessarily ones specifically related to Linux, but I won't be talking about them because if you watch GNULectures, you're probably familiar with these other channels.


Please note that although I like these channels, I need to clarify that you shouldn't compulsively watch YouTube. It should just be consumed when you have the time and nothing better to do (the same goes for my channels, please don't binge watch GNULectures or NotNapoleon).

Also, these creators have not paid me to mention them and aren't even aware of this article.

The List


Colin is a fairly large English YouTuber with over 13 million subscribers. He arguably makes the craziest inventions and DIY projects on the internet. From an underground bunker in his back garden, to a giant 360 degree swing, to a BMW hot tub, to a 70mph mobility scooter. His channel is basically the embodiment of those crazy ideas you have as a kid.

What I like about Colin is the fact that he has a very simple editing style, the emphasis is really on the project itself rather than its presentation. Also, the music on his channel is made by his viewers, which adds a unique twist and gives independent artists deserved publicity.


Styropyro describes himself as a professional mad scientist, and I think it's a very accurate description. He's a qualified chemist and although he makes videos about Chemistry, he's most well-known for his videos where he builds blinding lasers and random high-voltage circuits (such as a giant Tesla Coil).

Much like colinfurze, styropyro's content is very much on the project rather than the presentation, and there's something I like about simple editing, it makes videos feel a lot more authentic rather than just something pumped out by a big studio.


Shiey is a Lithuanian musician, wild adventurer, and urban explorer. So if you're into parkour, hiking, scary stunts*, and exploring abandoned/off-the-beaten-path locations, then his channel might be of interest to you. I'd describe him as a crossover of Ally Law, Night Scape, and bald & bankrupt.

* I obviously don't endorse doing anything illegal or dangerous, but it's undoubtably interesting to watch.

Atomic Shrimp

Atomic Shrimp is what I would call a variety channel. He simply posts whatever he likes, from scambaiting to foraging to cooking to crafting things. A lot of channels feel the need to have a specific topic or style of videos, so it's refreshing to see someone make videos about completely unrelated things they enjoy without needing to justify it.